The eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed we have a new addition to Epsom High Street, Fitness Space. This boutique-esque gym promises to be not just another ‘no-frills’ club; you know the one where you get in, work out – ignore the overzealous fitness folk – and get out as soon as possible. It’s quite the contrary. The top-notch Technogym equipment, swanky studio and friendly family of fitness coaches make you more than willing to get sweaty – there’s something we never thought we’d say.
If – like us – you were wondering why Epsom needs another fitness facility on the scene, we sat down with Fitness Space themselves, so they could answer all our burning questions before the grand opening next week.
Thanks to the close-knit community that runs through our town centre and the everyone-knows-everyone vibe, Fitness Space wanted to get in on the action too and offer a similar spirit within the world of health and wellbeing. Whether you’re a newbie to squatting and snatching or training is already your thing – they promise to support you on your fitness journey, so you’ll never train alone.
How? Well, every member has a nifty wristband that connects not only to the Technogym equipment, but to the Fitness Space App too. It displays your workouts and tracks your progress, we’re sure you’ll agree that’s certainly a weight off your shoulders – metaphorically speaking of course. What’s more, it gives you 24/7 access to your very own fitness coach. So, if you’re out of Epsom but want to maintain your gains, or if you’ve been slacking off from your routine, they’ll be there to check up on you and keep you motivated.
“Too many individuals join a gym and never return as they feel lost, intimidated, self-conscious along with a variety of other avoidable issues. This will not happen at your Fitness Space Epsom”
Fret not yogis and spinners, you haven’t been forgotten, as you can take your pick of daily classes – there’s even Hot Yoga if you’re feeling daring. But if a sweaty downward dog isn’t for you, maybe opt for Tour de Epsom instead. That’s right, get ready to spin past The Clock Tower and up to Epsom Downs.
Fitness Space has pledged to make health and fitness a part of our local lifestyle. The addition of a co-working space and spa-worthy changing rooms means we can never use the age-old excuse of ‘not enough time’ again. If you’re quite happy plodding along on the treadmill, then Fitness Space isn’t for you. Danny, Ed, Melissa and Amy – the squad at Fitness Space Epsom – want to support us and help us achieve results.
We can’t wait to get going and luckily there’s not long left to wait, Thursday 1 August at midday to be precise. It’s time to warm-up…
Fitness Space
10 Spread Eagle Walk
KT19 8DN