Trained and qualified in Meditation, Moonology, Crystal Healing Therapy and Sound Healing Therapy amongst several yoga disciplines (Hatha, Nada, Kundalini, Yoga Nidra) Shikira created Temples for the Soul in 2020, initially using her garden but now regularly hosts moon ceremonies over at The Barn KT9. She says, “What started out as a very intimate gathering has now become a monthly regular for so many.” Here, Shikira details each moon for the coming year with crystals and chakras to help harness lunar magic, plus prompts for positive life changes through each cycle…
Moon Phases
New Moon
“The beginning of the lunar cycle; energies are low, a time of rebirth, rest and reset. Sow seeds of intention and use the rest of the moon cycle to help encourage these intentions and manifestations to flourish.”
Waxing Moon
“The moon builds in strength and intensity and represents the sprouting of seeds. Put energies into focusing on what you would like to deepen, grow and commit to.”
Full Moon
“The moon is fully illuminated and at her peak. A potent, powerful time for healing, guidance and magic. As the full moon highlights our inner emotions, it is often at this phase that buried issues and blockages may rise. It is important we tend to these energies with care to release and let go, creating space within for more light and growth.”
Waning Moon
“Recuperate and surrender. Celebrate yourself and notice what has grown or changed and manifested.”

Full Moon Rituals
Shikira suggests, “Try writing a ‘release letter’; this includes writing down all negativity, hang ups, beliefs, limitations and barriers – old energies that need clearing. By working on this we are clearing space and making room for new fresh energies and for soul growth. Offer the letter to the element of fire and watch it burn away. Also, leave your healing crystals out the night before and of the full moon; out in the garden or
on a window sill. This will help recharge
their powers!”

For more info and to book tickets for events, visit and @templesforthesoul on Instagram